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23 lines
600 B

envlist=py{36,37}-{code-quality, unit} #, py37-sphinx
skipsdist = true
setenv =
LANG = en_US.UTF-8
deps = .[tests]
commands =
unit: py.test --strict --cov-report=term-missing --cov=pixywerk2 pixywerk2/tests/unit {posargs}
code-quality: flake8 pixywerk2
code-quality: black -l 120 --check pixywerk2
code-quality: - prospector -A
code-quality: - mypy --ignore-missing-imports pixywerk2
# sphinx: python build_sphinx -b html
# sphinx: python build_sphinx -b man
basepython =
py36: python3.6
py37: python3.7
max-line-length = 120