# Default: output == input default: extension: default chain: - passthrough # Any object that needs jinja scripts but no other explicit processing templatable: extension: null chain: - jinja2 # Markdown, BBCode and RST are first run through the templater, and then # they are processed into HTML, and finally embedded in a page template. markdown: extension: - md chain: - jinja2 - process_md - jinja2_page_embed bbcode: extension: - bb - pp chain: - jinja2 - process_pp - jinja2_page_embed # FIXME implement RST processor # restructured: # extension: # - rst # chain: # - jinja2 # - process_rst # - jinja2_page_embed # # JSON and YAML are split, passed through a pretty printer, and then output # FIXME implement split chain processor, implement processor arguments # json: # extension: # - json # chain: # - split (passthrough) # - pp_json # yaml: # extension: # - yml # - yaml # chain: # - split (passthrough) # - pp_yaml # Template-html is first passed through the templater, and then embedded # in a page template template-html: extension: - thtml - cont chain: - jinja2 - jinja2_page_embed # Smart CSS are simply converted to CSS. sass: extension: - sass - scss chain: - process_sass less: extension: - less chain: - process_less stylus: extension: - styl chain: - process_styl # # Images are processed into thumbnails and sized in addition to being retained as their original # FIXME implement split chain processor, implement processor arguments, # image: # extension: # - jpg # - jpeg # - png # chain: # - split (image_bigthumb) # - split (image_smallthumb) # - passthrough # image_bigthumb: # extension: # chain: # - smart_resize (big) # image_smallthumb: # extension: # chain: # - smart_resize (small)